Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Quiet Time

That's where I'm at...in my quiet zone. I think that every now and then, we all need some time for reflection, for looking to where we are and where we want to be, want to go, what we want to do. I've always been a multi-tasker. I'm rarely doing just one thing at a time. I kind of thrive in a pressured environment. But this past weekend, even still today, I am in quiet mode. No projects, no hobbies, not even writing (well, this, but not writing poetry as usual.) I think my mind and body sense that I am at rest, mentally. Maybe I just need to recharge my batteries. {A day at the spa sounds magical! -especially since I've never been to one. OR MAYBE...what has me so quiet is my upcoming birthday. Yup! Think I've got the birthday blues. My nine year old asked me why I was more excited about his concert that day (how lucky am I? A special concert on my bday) than about the fact that it's my birthday. I told him it's not that exciting as you get older. Why is that? It should be, right? So maybe that's part of what I am pondering. In the meantime, if you wonder where I'd slipped off to, why my words aren't dancing on my blog page, I'm in my cave...pensive and hopefully growing optimistic. I also need to dye my gray roots while I'm in there!


~La Poetic Seamstress~

Monday, April 19, 2010



Dodging daggers
I skillfully avert disaster
and Death

Flames burn
finality impending
A little smoke in the lungs
can't keep me down

My survival surprised YOU
not ME
Because nothing has ever kept me down

for long

Too many

roads left to travel
words left to write
lives to touch
flowers to smell
wonders to see
sweetness to taste

To let something incidental
Take me down

Not for very long.

~La Poetic Seamstress~

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Vote for MEEEE! {...please}

So... I've entered a Poetry Contest for my local paper here. Firstly, I am impressed that the paper is even hosting something like this, albeit just online! Still, it's great! I entered my poem, "Comfort of Silence", which can be read on this blog as well, but I'd truly appreciate it if you go to the website and VOTE! Trust me, the "prize" is not my motivation, it's just knowing that people read my work and enjoy it! Thanks so much in advance, and as we say in say in Spanish, "pa'lante"! (that basically translates into moving forward)
When you get to the page, you vote by going to the upper right hand side of the screen and click RATE HERE. Here's the link fab peeps & thanks a bunch!


~La Poetic Seamstress~

Thursday, April 8, 2010

~Spring Haikus~


Killdeer Plover born
Wobbled legs learn ground and flight
Fly, baby bird, fly

Film of green powder
Blown by wind, from Natures' palm
Sieze, sneeze, tear filled eyes

Tiny butterflies
In my belly, you're dancing
He is approaching!

Open up to bloom
Welcome the glorious new
So much is in store

~La Poetic Seamstress~

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring “BREAK” & Bye-Bye Birdie

SPRING BREAK: Yup, I’ve been out of the loop…because it’s Spring Break! A poem a day…HA! NOT during Spring Break! Let’s define “break” because it’s not the same to everyone. I am a mother of three, so in my house, it really means kids break. It’s a good thing though because it’s preparing me for the Summer; a much longer break in which I will have to find a slew of ways to entertain and delight my twitter bugs, and all by myself I might add (deployments suck!)! So, since the kids are on break from school, I am on break from writing. By the time I’m done filling their days, I’m pretty pooped. I just want to shower & relax & watch ANTM, Survivor, Project Runway, V…whatever is on the (blank your mind out) tube. I’ll have to wait until next week to really get into writing. A break is good sometimes though, relaxes your mind, let’s you absorb things around you and hopefully by the end, you are refreshed and recharged.

For about a month now, my children and I have been keeping tabs on a Killdeer Plover that was nested in the mulch under a tree, by the kids school. We have visited, seen the eggs go from 3 to 4, watched the bird parents take turns sitting on the eggs and even named the family (Gloria & Stanley Killdeer). We got a little attached to this little bird family, even though she’d shrill at us sometimes. Spring Break came and we hadn’t visited in about 4 days. We had researched this bird and knew that it took about 26 days for the eggs to hatch and the baby birds could not fly on their own the first day or two. We knew their birthday was close… WE missed it! Today, we went to visit Gloria & Stanley and see if the babies had hatched. Much to our disappointment, the eggs were gone and there was barely an indentation where their nest used to be. We’d spent so much time being concerned about these little birds; my kids would get really sad when it got too cold or rained because they felt bad for the birds & eggs. We’ll have to keep our eyes opened for another nest. I think it was a good Springtime experience for us, though. Bye-Bye birdies!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

1/30 National Poetry Month

*A poem a day, for thirty days. Here is 1 of 30. I am going to just write off the top of the head, here.


We relived losing You again
I went to Your funeral, knelt with my children
I asked that they thank You

I went to Your funeral today, knelt with my children
I thanked You for each one, thanked You for your sacrifice
And for my heartbeat

I asked that they thank You
It is my job to teach and guide,to lead them to Your light
And bond, soul to soul

~La Poetic Seamstress~